Email Authenticator Setup stage
This stage configures an email-based authenticator that sends a one-time code to a user's email address for authentication.
When a user goes through a flow that includes this stage, they are prompted for their email address (if not already set). The user then receives an email with a one-time code, which they enter into the authentik Login panel.
The email address will be saved and can be used with the Authenticator validation stage for future authentications.
Flow integration
To use the Email Authenticator Setup stage in a flow, follow these steps:
Create a new flow or edit an existing one.
On the flow's Stage Bindings tab, click Create and bind stage to create and add the Email Authenticator Setup stage. (If the stage already exists, click Bind existing stage.)
Configure the stage settings as described below.
Name: provide a descriptive name, such as Email Authenticator Setup.
Authenticator type name: define the display name for this stage.
Use global connection settings: the stage can be configured in two ways: global settings or stage-specific settings.
Enable (toggle on) the Use global connection settings option to use authentik's global email configuration. Note that you must already have configured your environment variables to use the global settings. See instructions for Docker Compose and for Kubernetes.
If you need different email settings for this stage, disable (toggle off) Use global connection settings and configure the following options:
Connection settings:
- SMTP Host: SMTP server hostname (default: localhost)
- SMTP Port: SMTP server port number(default: 25)
- SMTP Username: SMTP authentication username (optional)
- SMTP Password: SMTP authentication password (optional)
- Use TLS: Enable TLS encryption
- Use SSL: Enable SSL encryption
- Timeout: Connection timeout in seconds (default: 10)
- From Address: Email address that messages are sent from (default: system@authentik.local)
Stage-specific settings:
- Subject: Email subject line (default: "authentik Sign-in code")
- Token Expiration: Time in minutes that the sent token is valid (default: 30)
- Configuration flow: select the flow to which you are binding this stage.
Click Update to complete the creation and binding of the stage to the flow.
The new Email Authenticator Setup stage now appears on the Stage Bindings tab for the flow.